Head of PD: Miss L Duran (l.duran@swr.gloucs.sch.uk )

Our intent:

  • Personal, social, health and economic education is an important and necessary part of our student’s curriculum. We focus on developing pupils’ wider personal development, offering opportunities for them to grow as active, healthy, and engaged citizens.
  • Our aim is to promote equal opportunity, self-esteem, and emotional well-being. We want to help our students form and maintain effective relationships and to make informed choices that lead them on to become responsible citizens.
  • As our world is constantly changing, we continually update our programme to cover current issues to meet the needs of our young people. For example, cyber bullying and preparing for college and careers. Our curriculum is evolving and influenced by regular student feedback.
  • Personal development promotes British values and spiritual, moral, and cultural development through debates and discussions. Within a safe environment our students can challenge controversial subjects, such as diversity and prejudice. Students are encouraged to develop skills that enable them to stand up to peer pressure and make informed decisions for a healthy and happy life.